Bullhorn: Find the integration within Bullhorn

Step 1: Open Secured Signing in Marketplace in Bullhorn menu

Login to Bullhorn with an Admin User

Open Secured Signing in Menu/Marketplace

Step 2: Find Secured Signing Dashboard

See a more detailed guide here.


Dashboard shows overview signing summary in current billing cycle of the connect Secured Signing account.

Document Status

Document Status shows all documents that the signing process is in progress or completed, and you can manage the progress here. See here for a more detailed user guide.


You can run reports to have a overview across the selected data range.

My Account

Your Secured Signing Account Summary


User connections can be managed here.

See a more detailed user guide here.

Admin Portal

A button that redirect you to Secured Signing Enterprise Portal where you can manage company settings; only visible for the user that has Secured Signing admin role.

When a user has been assigned the admin role, an notification email will be sent.


You can setup settings for your Bullhorn integration to make it work for you better.


Step 3: Find Secured Signing action and tab in Candidate

Login to Bullhorn

Open a candidate record

Find Secured Signing in the Actions dropdown list.

*tip: if you just get the integration ready, it should be that last one at the bottom of the list.

Find Secured Signing in the tabs

*tip: if you just get the integration ready, it should be that last one in the tabs.


Step 4: Find Secured Signing action in Candidate List

Login to Bullhorn.

Open candidate list and select one or more candidates.

Find Secured Signing in the Actions dropdown list.

*tip: if you just get the integration ready, it should be that last one at the bottom of the list.

Step 5: What’s in the Secured Signing action

A start page will show after clicking Secured Signing action.

There are 4 major features Secured Signing integrated in Bullhorn

  • We Sign: Prepare your document, add form fields and signatures, send invitation for others to fill-in and sign within seconds with a signing workflow. Signed document and fields data saves back in Bullhorn.
  • Smart Tag: Make your RTF and PDF document templates Secured Signing ready by adding smart tag texts to your documents & automate the signing process and workflow. Signed Document saves back in Bullhorn.
  • Form Filler: Create your Secured Signing forms and templates, add signatures and form fields. Speed up the signing process and workflow by using document templates. Signed document and fields data saves back in Bullhorn.
  • Form Direct: Secured Signing customize forms to your business needs, workflow, data mapping and validation rules. Invite others to fill in & sign Mobile ready web forms. Signed document and fields data saves back in Bullhorn.

Smart Tag is not available if the action starts from record list and multiple records are selected.


Step 6: What’s in the Secured Signing tab

In Secured Signing tab, you can find the documents list related to the current record and you can manage the signing process here.


Step 7: Secured Signing in other place

You can also find Secured Signing in other entity types that Bullhorn recommanded

  • Candidate
  • Company
  • Client Contact
  • Placement

Also you can setup Secured Signing custom action and tab in other entities based on your business needs.

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