Secured Signing Release Notes

Secured Signing 10.1.17

June 24, 2024

New Features: 2

1. Meeting Room Pop-up Reminders in RON (Remote Online Notarization) – the Notary will have the option to send email and/or SMS message reminders directly from the meeting room to signers who haven’t joined.

2. Automatic Reminders in RON – one hour before your video signing meeting, the system will automatically send email reminder to all the signers and the Notary

New Features

Meeting Room Pop-up Reminders in RON (Remote Online Notarization)

With this new feature in RON, we have introduced a convenient way for you to remind signers that you’re waiting for to join a video signing session directly from the meeting room. For each signer, you have the option to instantly send an email reminder, an SMS message reminder to their cellphones, or both.

To send an email reminder to a signer who has not yet joined the meeting room, all you have to do is click the ‘Send Email Reminder’ button in the ‘Send a reminder’ column for the signer:

Upon clicking the button, the default Secured Signing email reminder will instantly be sent to the signer and providing a link to join the session.

To send an SMS message reminder, click the ‘Send SMS Reminder’ button, located right next to the ‘Send Email Reminder’ button, which will open the ‘Send SMS Reminder’ pop-up.

In this pop-up, you are first asked to enter the signers mobile number. From there, you will be able to preview our default SMS reminder that you can send straight away, or you can choose to type your own personalized message to the signer, both of which will contain the link and code to the meeting so they can join straight from their phone if so desired.

Then just click the ‘Send’ button, and the message will be sent to the signer. Please note that your account will be charged USD $0.15 per text. This cost may vary depending on your currency.

Automatic Reminders in RON (Remote Online Notarization)

This new enhancement to reminders will help make sure that all your signers will join your video signing meeting on time by automatically sending email reminders to all the signers and the Notary one hour before the meeting begins.

This feature is enabled for you automatically, so all you need to do is send out your RON documents as normal, and the system will handle the rest for you.

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Secured Signing 10.1.16

May 27, 2024

New Features: 1

1. Multiple Invitee Support in Public Link Templates – create templates with multiple invitees in Form Filler that are accessible to sign through a public link

New Features

This new enhancement to Public Link Templates in Form Filler allows you to enable this feature for templates with multiple invitees. When the initial signer accesses the template through the Public Link, they will be prompted to nominate and enter the details for the other signers in the template before signing. They are even able to uncheck any additional signers that aren’t needed, removing them from the signing process, if you allow this when setting up the template.

To start using this feature, first open a document in Form Filler and add 2 or more signers, then click ‘Save as Template’ to open the ‘Save template’ pop-up.

In the ‘Save template’ pop-up, enable ‘Get a link’, then under ‘Additional Signers’ select either Optional, which will allow the first signer to remove the additional signers from the process,or Required, which will require that the first signer nominates a user for all additional signers. Now click the ‘Save’ button, and you will be given a link to provide to users, allowing them to sign and nominate the other invitees in the template.

If you chose Optional under ‘Additional Signers’, when a signer accesses the link, after filling any fields but before signing, they will be prompted to either nominate or remove additional signers.

If you chose Required under ‘Additional Signers’, when a signer accesses the link, after filling any fields but before signing, they will be prompted and required to nominate all additional signers before continuing.

Secured Signing 10.1.15

May 13, 2024

New Features: 1

1. Notary Support in Signature Templates – create reusable templates to automatically apply signatures and fields to your RON (Remote Online Notarization) documents

New Features

Notary Support for Signature Templates

This new enhancement to Signature Templates in Secured Signing allows you to create reusable templates for your RON (Remote Online Notarization) documents, allowing you to automatically apply all your signatures, stamps, and fields to 1 or more documents at once.

You can find the Signature Template designer by navigating to My Account -> My Signature Templates.

From here, simply select any of your existing documents from your inbox to base the template off of, then add invitee signatures, notary signatures, notary stamps, and fields, just as you would when getting a document ready to send normally, then name and save the template.

When you want to send a document using this template, you can select it from the ‘Select a Signature Template’ dropdown in the RON set-up wizard after uploading a document, or even apply it directly from your inbox.

Apply a Signature Template From RON Wizard

Apply a Signature Template From Inbox

You can also choose whether after you’d like to be able to edit a document after applying a Signature Template, by enabling or disabling the ‘Preview Signature Template’ setting in My Account –> My Settings.

With this setting on, you will be able to edit the document before sending, with it off you will be taken directly to the invitation workflow after applying a signature template.

Please note that if you would like the signature template to be applied to all documents in a package, the ‘Preview Signature Template’ setting must be off. If it is on, the template will only be applied to the first document in a package, but you can still apply it to the other documents manually in the designer before sending the package from the ‘Signature Template’ dropdown.

For a full step-by-step guide for adding Signature Templates in Remote Online Notarization with a video, click here.

Secured Signing 10.1.14

April 29, 2024

Enhancements: 2

1. Select a Default Sender for Status Trigger rules in Bullhorn and JobAdder – allows users in your organization that aren’t connected to Secured Signing to trigger your Status Trigger rules

2. Send Multiple Templates or Forms with a Status Trigger rule in Bullhorn – adds the functionality to send multiple templates or multiple Form Direct forms as a package from one Status Trigger rule


Select a Default Sender for Status Trigger rules in Bullhorn and JobAdder

This enhancement to Status Trigger rules in both Bullhorn and JobAdder allows users in your organization that aren’t connected to Secured Signing to trigger rules. By selecting a user that is connected to Secured Signing as the Default Sender for each rule, they will automatically be selected as the sender of any templates or forms that are part of those rules when they are triggered by one of your non-connected users.

Please note that the Default Sender will only be chosen as the sender when a user that isn’t connected to Secured Signing triggers the rule. If you are connected to Secured Signing, but you aren’t the Default Sender of a rule, you will still be selected as the sender of any templates or forms that are part of the rule.

For Bullhorn:

To add a Default Sender to your existing rules in Bullhorn, navigate to the Bullhorn menu, open Secured Signing in the Marketplace folder, then go to the ‘Settings’ tab.

From here, scroll down to the ‘Status Trigger’ section, where you can find any existing rules you have set up, or add a new rule. You’ll see a column titled ‘Default Sender’ with a search field for each rule, this is where you can search your organization users that are connected to Secured Signing, and select one as the Default Sender.

For JobAdder:

To add a Default Sender to your existing rules in JobAdder, select one of your records (Candidate, Job, etc.), then hover over ‘Secured Signing’ in the ‘Actions’ menu, and select ‘Admin’ from the menu that follows. Navigate to the ‘Settings’ tab in the page that follows.

From here, scroll down to the ‘Status Trigger’ section, where you can find any existing rules you have set up, or add a new rule. You’ll see a column titled ‘Default Sender’ with a search field for each rule, this is where you can search your organization users that are connected to Secured Signing, and select one as the Default Sender.

Send Multiple Templates or Forms with a Status Trigger rule in Bullhorn

With this new enhancement to Status Trigger rules in Bullhorn, you will now be able to select multiple templates or multiple forms to be sent as a package when a single rule is triggered.

To add multiple forms or templates to a single rule, simply navigate to the Bullhorn menu, open Secured Signing in the Marketplace folder, then go to the ‘Settings’ tab. Scroll down to find your ‘Status Trigger’ rules, where you can add to your existing rules, or create a new rule with however many templates you need.

Secured Signing 10.1.13

April 15, 2024

New Features: 1

1. Add Comments to Notary Journal in Remote Online Notarization (RON) – add comments to the Notary Journal throughout and after the RON signing process, from your account or during the video signing session.

New Features

Add Comments to Notary Journal in Remote Online Notarization (RON)

This new improvement to the Electronic Notary Journal allows notaries to add comments to the journal throughout the RON signing process; this gives you a greater ability to document the process and any changes you may have to make before your scheduled video signing meeting, take notes for later viewing while you’re in the meeting with your signer, or even add comments after signing is completed.

To add a comment to the Notary Journal before or after the signing and notarization of your document is completed, find your document in the My Documents page, either under the ‘In Progress’ tab if you haven’t finished signing yet, or the ‘Signed’ tab if you have, then click the ‘View notary journal’ button:

This will open the ‘Notary Journal’ pop-up. Click the ‘Add Comment’ button at the top-right of the pop-up to display a text box to enter your comment, along with some text editing tools to tailor the format to your liking. Once you have typed this out, you can save the comment to the journal by clicking the ‘Save Comment’ button:

To add a comment to the Notary Journal while you’re in the video signing meeting, the notary will see a button at the top of the signing page in the toolbar, labelled ‘Add Comment’:

Clicking this button will open the ‘Add Comment’ pop-up, where you will be able to enter the comment, make any changes to the format, then save the comment by clicking the ‘Save Comment’ button:

Whether you added comments from the ‘Notary Journal’ pop-up, in the video signing meeting, or both, you will be able to see all comments and the exact date and time you made them by going back to the ‘Notary Journal’ pop-up in your account:

For a full step-by-step guide for adding Comments to Notary Journal in Remote Online Notarization with a video, click here.

Secured Signing 10.1.12

March 11, 2024

New Features: 1

1. Status Trigger in Secured Signing for Bullhorn – create rules that automatically send a selected template or Form Direct form when the ‘Status’ field of a chosen record is changed

This issue would occur when sending a document in We Sign with a viewer, or when sending an existing Form Filler template with one of these signers.

New Features

Status Trigger in Secured Signing Bullhorn 

The new ‘Status Trigger’ feature in Secured Signing for Bullhorn allows you to further automate your recruitment and signing processes by setting up rules to send selected templates or Form Direct forms when the ‘Status’ field of a chosen record is updated. 

To add or edit a rule, navigate to the Bullhorn menu, open Secured Signing in the Marketplace folder, then go to the ‘Settings’ tab. 

Navigate to your Bullhorn settings:

From here, scroll down to the ‘Status Trigger’ section, where you can find any existing rules you have set up, or add a new rule. To add a new rule, simply click ‘Add a Rule’, specify the desired status change in the first 2 fields, select the template or form this change should send, then click ‘Save Settings’. 

Now that you have created your rule, when the specified status change occurs for a record, the chosen document will be sent for that record.

For a full step-by-step guide for Status Triggers in Secured Signing for Bullhorn with a video, click here.

Secured Signing 10.1.11

March 05, 2024

Bug Fixes: 1

1. Fixed an issue where invitees with ‘Needs to View’ enabled are missing from the invitation workflow when sending a document.

This issue would occur when sending a document in We Sign with a viewer, or when sending an existing Form Filler template with one of these signers.

Secured Signing 10.1.10

February 12, 2024

New Features: 1

1. Admin User Audit Trail Report – view a detailed report of actions taken by admin users in the Enterprise Portal, such as logging in, updating settings, and adding/removing other users

New Features

Admin User Audit Trail

The new ‘Admin User Audit Trail’ report in the Enterprise Portal allows you to generate a detailed report on the actions made by the admin users in your account, and who made them, and when they were made. The actions shown include logging into the portal, updating settings, and adding/removing other users and accounts.

The report will already be enabled in your account, and you can access the report by logging into the Enterprise Portal, navigating to the ‘Reports’page, then selecting Admin User Audit Trail from the ‘Reports’dropdown:

The report will display a list of all actions made in the desired date range, showing the user name and email of the user who performed each action, the date and time at which the action was made, and a description of each action:

Secured Signing 10.1.9

January 22, 2024

New Features: 2

1. Edit the Signing Process in We Sign, Form Filler, and Remote Online Notarization (RON) – edit the signing process for your We Sign, Form Filler, or RON documents after you’ve already sent them out to your invitees to fix any mistakes or make any changes without having to start again

2. Invitee Monitoring Portal – provide your invitees visibility and easy access to all the documents they need to sign in the new Invitee Monitoring Portal

Enhancements: 3

1. Edit All User’s Templates option for Admin Users – enable the new ‘Edit All User’s Templates’ option for Full Permission Admin Users in the Enterprise Portal to allow them to see, send, and edit any user’s templates when they don’t have access to them

2. Meeting Date column for In Progress documents – easily see the scheduled date and time for your RON or Video Signing meeting with this new column

3. Support for Canada in Remote Online Notarization (RON) – official support for Canadian Notaries in our RON platform

New Features

Edit the Signing Process

The new ‘Edit Signing Process’ feature allows you as the sender of the document, to edit almost any part of the signing process after you’ve already sent the document to be signed. This allows you to fix any mistakes you may have made when preparing the document without having to start the process from the beginning. This feature supports We Sign, Form Filler, and Remote Online Notarization (RON)/Video Signing processes.

The ‘Edit Signing Process’ feature is enabled by default, however if you would like to turn it off you can find and disable the ‘Edit Signing Process’ signing at My Account -> My Settings in a Secured Signing account, or Settings -> My Account Settings in the Enterprise Portal.

For Business Accounts:

For Enterprise Accounts:

You can begin editing any We Sign, Form Filler, or RON signing process by navigating to the ‘In Progress’ tab in ‘My Documents’, then clicking the ‘Edit Signing Process’ button in the actions column for the document you’d like to edit.

Edit the Signing Process in We Sign and Form Filler

After clicking the ‘Edit Signing Process’ button for a We Sign document, you will be taken to the designer where you first prepped the document with any signatures and form fields, and a pop-up giving more detail on how to edit the signing process will be displayed.

From here you can make almost any change that you are able to make before sending the document out, including:

  • Add or remove signers
  • Add or remove signatures
  • Update signature settings
  • Add documents
  • Remove documents from a package
  • Change signer settings

Once you have finished making changes in the designer, click ‘Next’ to continue to the invitation workflow, where you can make any changes to the settings here as well, with some exceptions, such as setting up a custom email template for a signer who has already received their invitation email, or changing the settings for a signer who has already completed signing.

When you are done making all the required changes here, you can click the ‘Update/Send’ button to update the signing process. Any signers already on the document can use their existing invitation email to access the document.

Also note that, while editing the signing process, your signers will be able to view the document, but will not be able to sign until you have finished making changes.

You can watch a video on how edit signing process works for WeSign and FormFiller here.

Edit the Signing Process in Remote Online Notarization (RON)

After clicking the ‘Edit Signing Process’ button for a RON signing process, instead of being taken straight to the document, like in We Sign you will first be taken to the RON Setup Wizard, where you will also be shown a pop-up with more detail on editing the RON signing process.

From here you will be taken through the RON wizard, where you will be able to make changes to the following:

  • Add documents.
  • Remove documents from a package.
  • Change authentication settings.
  • Change the scheduled date and time of the meeting.
  • Add/remove signers.
  • Change the venue.
  • Edit the Electronic Notary Journal.

After completing all desired changes in the RON wizard, you will continue to document tagging for further editing, where you can make the same changes as in the We Sign process.

Once you have finished making changes in the designer, click ‘Next’ to continue to the invitation workflow, where you can make your final changes before clicking ‘Update/Send’ to update the signing process. New invitation emails may be sent out, depending on the changes made.

Also note that, like in We Sign, your signers will not be able to sign while you are editing the document.

You can watch a video on how the edit signing process works for RON here.

Invitee Monitoring Portal

The Invitee Monitoring Portal shows your invitees all the documents that they are required to sign, and allows them to access each document all from one place.

This feature is disabled by default, so to allow your invitees to access the Invitee Monitoring Portal, you’ll have to turn on the ‘Enable Invitee Monitoring Portal’ setting. This can be found at My Account -> My Settings in your Secured Signing account, or Settings -> My Account Settings in the Enterprise Portal.

For Business Accounts:

For Enterprise Accounts:

Once this setting is enabled in your account, all your invitees will be able to access the Invitee Monitoring Portal either from a link in the invitation email for any document you’ve invited them to sign, or in the ‘Secure Document Access’ page.

If the invitee does not have a Secured Signing account, and has never registered for the Invitee Monitoring Portal before, they will be taken to the ‘Invitee Monitoring Registration’ page, where they’ll have 2 options to access the portal:

They can enter a password and click ‘Register’, this way they’ll be able to use this password to access the portal again, or they can click ‘Login With One-Time Passcode’.

If the invitee chooses to use a one-time passcode, they will receive an email containing their unique 8 digit code and will have 10 minutes to use it.

Once they enter the passcode, register, or login with their existing password, they will be taken to the Invitee Monitoring Portal, where they can see the details of all documents they have been invited to sign, and a ‘Sign’ button for each document that will take them to the ‘Secure Document Access’ page.

Additionally, if they are required to enter a passcode from the invitation email to access a document, instead of looking through their emails to find the right one, they will simply be able to click ‘Resend email passcode’ which will resend the invitation email for that document.

You can watch a video on how the Invitee Monitoring Portal works here.


Edit All User’s Templates option for Admin Users

A new setting has been added for Admin Users in the Enterprise Portal, ‘Edit All User’s Templates’. This setting allows Admin Users with Full Permissions to see and edit all templates, by every user in your membership. This will allow the Admin User to make any changes to a user’s templates when they aren’t able to access them themselves.

If you’re a new Partner, by default the first Admin User created during the sign-up process will have this setting enabled. However, if you are already a Partner, any Admin User with Full Permissions can easily enable this setting for themselves or other Admin Users with Full Permissions by following the steps below:

Log in to the Enterprise Portal and click the ‘Edit’ button for the Admin User in the ‘Portal Access’ dropdown:

Enable the ‘Edit All User’s Templates’ option then click the ‘Update’ button.

Now, when this user logs in to Secured Signing and goes to the ‘Templates’ tab in ‘My Documents’ they will see and be able to edit all user’s templates:

Meeting Date column for In Progress documents

A ‘Meeting Date’ column has been added to the ‘In Progress’ tab in the ‘My Documents’ page, and to the ‘My Invitations’ page. This column will show the scheduled date and time for your Remote Online Notarization (RON)  and Video Signing Meetings.

How it looks from the In Progress tab:

How it looks from the My Invitations tab:

Support For Canada in Remote Online Notarization (RON)

We have added official support for Canadian Notaries – you can now set up your Notary ID number, and select your Province/Territory and City for you and your signers

If you’re from Canada and navigate to My Account -> My Settings -> Notary and begin the ‘Notary Setup Wizard’ you will be able to enter your Commission ID, and select your Province/Territory and City:

You will also be able to select another Province/Territory and City as your venue when setting up a Remote Online Notarization session:

Finally, select your invitees Province/Territory for the Electronic Notary Journal:

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Secured Signing 10.1.8

October 2, 2023

New Features: 2

1. Whiteboarding in RON and Video Signing – open the Whiteboard in a RON or Video Signing session to draw and add shapes, text, and more to your document for easier communication in your signing sessions

2. Page Edit Mode – easily add, remove, or move pages around in your document when preparing to send it out for signing in the We Sign, Form Filler, and RON designers

Enhancements: 1

1. ‘Start Identity Proofing’ button in RON – added a button in RON invitation and reminder emails when a signer is required to complete ID Verification and/or KBA

Bug Fixes: 1

1. ‘Blur a Region’ field transparency – fixed an issue where the blur field could become see through in the designer

New Features

1. Whiteboarding in RON and Video Signing

Using the new Whiteboard in RON and Video Signing allows you to draw and add circles, squares, arrows, and text onto your document with a high level of customizability during your signing session.

Any drawing added onto your document before signing will not be saved onto the document, so if you’d like to brainstorm with your invitees and save the whiteboard for later, you can create a new whiteboard with a blank document or a document of your own after signing is finished. Only Notaries and the Host can draw on the Whiteboard, but invitee’s see what’s happening in real time.

You can enable Whiteboarding in My Account -> My Settings -> Video Signing or Notary in your Secured Signing account, or Settings -> Video Signing in the Enterprise Portal.

Whiteboard Settings Secured Signing - Release Notes - October 2023
Enable Whiteboarding in My Account -> My Settings -> Video Signing or Notary in your Secured Signing account
Whiteboard Settings Secured Signing - Release Notes - October 2023
For Enterprise accounts, go to Settings -> Video Signing in the Enterprise Portal.

Here you can find the ‘Enable Whiteboarding’ setting, and the ‘Invitee Receives Whiteboard Document’ setting, enabling the latter will attach any Whiteboard document used after signing to your invitee’s completion emails.

Whiteboard Settings Secured Signing - Release Notes - October 2023
Enable Whiteboarding and enable the setting to allow invitees to receive the whiteboard document.

Once Whiteboarding is enabled in your account, you can open the Whiteboard in a RON or Video Signing session by simply clicking ‘Open Whiteboard’ to show the Whiteboarding tool bar, allowing you to draw over your document if signing is not yet complete. If signing has been completed, clicking ‘Open Whiteboard’ will instead show you 2 options, ‘Blank Document’, and ‘Add Document’.

Start Identity Proofing Button with Secured Signing
Before Signing, open the whiteboarding tool to draw over your document.
After Signing, open whiteboard will show you 2 options: Blank Document or Add Document.

Clicking ‘Blank Document’ will show you a blank, 1 page document as well as the Whiteboarding tool bar. Clicking ‘Add Document’ will allow you to upload your own document for Whiteboarding instead. Using either of these will save the document, attaching it to the Host’s completion email, the invitee’s completion email if the ‘Invitee Receives Whiteboard Document’ setting is enabled, and allowing you to view and download the document from the ‘Video Signing’ pop-up in the ‘Signed’ folder. This document will also be digitally certified by Secured Signing.

2. Page Edit Mode

Edit Mode for pages in your documents allows you to add more pages, remove pages, and change the order of your pages in the We Sign, Form Filler, and the Notary designers.

This feature is enabled by default, but if you’d like to turn it off, the setting, called ‘Enable Page Edit’, can be found at My Account -> My Settings in your Secured Signing account, or Settings -> My Account Settings in the Enterprise Portal.

‘Enable Page Edit’, can be found at My Account -> My Settings in your Secured Signing account
For Enterprise, go to Settings -> My Account Settings in the Enterprise Portal.

To start editing your document in We Sign, Form Filler, or RON, simply the ‘Edit Mode’ switch. This will allow you to select multiple pages, to move or delete at the same time, move pages around by simply clicking and dragging, add new pages, or remove individual pages.


1. ‘Start Identity Proofing’ button in RON

Now, when you select either KBA, ID Verification, or both for your invitees in a RON session, their invitation emails and reminder emails will have a new, green, ‘Start Identity Proofing’ button to provide a bit more transparency on what page they will land on after clicking a button in their invitation email.

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Secured Signing 10.1.7

August 15, 2023

New Features: 1

1. Spanish Translation for Signers in WeSign, Templates, and Remote Online Notarization (RON) – translate the signing process to Spanish for your signers, or allow them to choose their language once they access the document signing process.

Enhancements: None

Bug Fixes: None

New Features

1. Spanish Translation for Signers in WeSign & RON

With the Spanish Translation, you can translate the entire We Sign and RON signing processes to Spanish for signers*, including Notaries and Video Signing Hosts in RON.

You can enable this with the Default Language setting at My Account -> My Settings in your Secured Signing account, or Settings -> My Account Settings in the Enterprise Portal.

how to set up spanish for signer experience in a secured signing business account
You can enable this with the Default Language setting at My Account -> My Settings
For Enterprise accounts, go to Settings -> My Account Settings in the Enterprise Portal.

Here you will find a dropdown with 3 options; English, Español and Invitee Choose.

Select your default language for your invitees within your Secured Signing account.
Within the Enterprise Admin portal, select your default language for your invitees.

The ‘English’ setting keeps the signing process exactly as it was before, completely in English. Choosing ‘Español’ however, will translate the entire signing process instructions to Spanish in We Sign as RON, shown with these indicators in the Invitation Workflow

Finally, if you select the ‘Invitee Choose’ setting, you will be able to choose English or Spanish for individual signers in the Invitation Workflow OR allow signers to change the language themselves in the ‘Secure Document Access’ page and the signing page.

If the invitee can choose their own language, they can do this from the document access or signing page.
document access - invitee choose language - secured signing
Document Access: Invitees can select their language on the top-right.
Signing Page: Invitees can select their language on the top-right.

Secured Signing 10.1.6

June 14, 2023

New Features: 3

1. Text Box & Multi Line Text Box Font Resize – automatically resize font size text as you type to fit into the field; in WeSign, Form Filler and RON signing process.

2. Conditional Logic and Formulas – create templates that show or hide fields based on the signer’s inputs, and create calculations within fields.

3. Bullhorn – Signed Document for Placement save in candidate’s record as well.

Enhancements: 2

1. Video Signing / RON Guests – improvements to the management of guests in RON and Video Signing

2. Blur a Region Field, Redaction – added the option to change the Blur Fields color to black

Bug Fixes: None

New Features

1. Text Box and Multi Line Text Box Resize

Secured Signing’s new Font Resize feature allows your text to dynamically change its font size to fit within a Text Box or Multi-Line Text Box field, with typing being cut off before the font becomes too small.

2. Conditional Logic and Formula Fields

Conditional Logic allows you to create templates that adapt to the signers’ responses, ensuring they are shown only the information and fields that are relevant to them.

The addition of Formula Fields enables you to create rules and calculations within your fields to help automate the signing process and minimize the margin of error.

3. Bullhorn – Signed Document for Placement saved back in Candidate records as well.

In Secured Signing for Bullhorn Settings section tick the box if you want the signed document in placement to be accessible from the candidate records.


1. Video Signing / RON Guest Improvements

Improvements have been made to the management of Guests in RON Sessions and Video Signing.

These include adding or removing Guests in the Invitation Workflow when sending your document, removing or replacing them in the Document Progress pop-up when you’ve already sent your document, and changing your Guest to a Signer when you add their signature in Document Tagging.

2. ‘Blur a Region’ Field in Black – Redaction

This enhancement adds a new setting to the ‘Blur a Region’ Field, allowing you to change the color from white to black.




Secured Signing 10.1.5

December 7, 2022

New Features: 3

1. Snapshot – capture an image of supporting documentation, during the RON session.

2. Notary Queue – the feature allows for jobs to be assigned into a queue, pool of notaries

a. Setting Queues

b. Assign to a Queue

c. Queue Management

3. Add Remove Signatures and Form Fields during a RON Session or Video Signing

Enhancement: 1

1. ID Verification – adjustments to image capture process enhancements

Bug Fixes: None

New Features

1. Snapshot

Often, a notary has the need to collect or capture an image of supporting documentation, credentials, or stipulations during the RON session.

With Secured Signing’s New Snapshot feature, you can capture that image, crop, edit and label on the fly.

2. Notary Queue

The feature allows for jobs to be assigned into a queue, pool of notaries.

Through our innovative technology, the request is immediately processed and assigned to a notary queue where an available notary can proceed with the job and the session invite forwarded to the signer. 

a. Setting Queues

Set unlimited Queues and assign notaries from your account, or enterprise membership. Each Notary can be member of multiple Queues. Any user in the account can assign notarization jobs to any Queue.

b. Assign to a Queue

While setting a RON session you can submit the Job to a queue. The scheduler able to submit to a queue with minimum signer info or complete the entire setting include document tagging.

c. Queue Management

Admin User at account level or Enterprise account at Admin portal has full visibility which job is taken by which Notary and what is the status of the job.

3. Add Remove Signatures and forms fields during Ron Session/ Video Signing 

You can make changes to your documents during your RON session with Secured Signing. These include the ability to add/ remove signature fields, or form fields.


1. ID Verification adjustments to image capture process for iPhone users.

For iPhone users we allow for one attempt of the image capture process before opening main phone’s camera for manual photo capture.

Some of the latest models of iPhone (12,13,14) and latest iOS versions have a loss in resolution quality when attempting image capture for the first time. Now we have implemented a change where only one attempt is taken, try again will open iPhone main camera to achieve best image quality.    

Secured Signing 10.1.4

November 9, 2022

New Features: 4

1. [Bullhorn and Jobadder Integration– Form Filler Templates – Share Templates.

2. [Bullhorn Integration– Notes Management.

3. [Bullhorn Integration] – Choose where signed documents are saved.

4. [Bullhorn Integration– Form Filler Template and Form Direct File Type.

Enhancement: 3

  1. [Form Filler] – Template Management – Sort By Name or Last Change Date.
  2. [Bullhorn Integration] – Enhancements to SSO with Azure AD.
  3. [Bullhorn Integration] Clarifications to Manager Role in Bullhorn.

Bug Fixes: None

New Features 

1. Bullhorn and JobAdder Integration – Form Filler Templates – Share Templates 

Collaboration just got easier with the more ways to share Form Filler templates with other Bullhorn users in your team.

If you are a Secured Signing Admin user, you can now go to your Bullhorn template list, and click the “share” button.

You can then select which user accounts or groups to share the template with.

2. Bullhorn Integration – Notes Management

You now have greater control over which notes are saved into Bullhorn. Within your account settings, you can select save all notes or only ones that you have selected.

3. Bullhorn Integration – Choose where signed documents are saved.

Now, you can choose if you want to save all signed documents back to Bullhorn or you can select based on document, templates, or file type.

You can leverage Secured Signing’s cloud storage integration such as OneDrive, DropBox, Google Drive, or SharePoint.

4. Bullhorn Integration – Form Filler Template and Form Direct File Type

Now, you can setup the file type for documents that are signed using Form Filler or Form Direct. This can be done within your account settings.


1. Form Filler – Template Management – Sort By Name or Last Change Date.

We have added sort functionality to Templates to help users better manage their templates. You can also sort by how many lines of templates you want to view. Your preferences will be saved for the next time you visit your Template Management list.

2. Bullhorn Integration  – Enhancements to SSO with Azure AD

If you are using SSO with Azure AD, Admin Users can now disconnect it’s organisation’s users without requiring Secured Signing password authentication.

3. Bullhorn Integration – Clarifications to Manager Role in Bullhorn

Someone with a Manager role in Bullhorn is not automatically a Secured Signing Admin user therefore they cannot connect users to our service. To connect and disconnect users of Secured Signing, you must have both, Bullhorn and Secured Signing Admin user privileges.

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For more information please contact us here.

Secured Signing 10.1.3

Sep 29, 2022

New Features: 1

  1. [Needs to View] – a new type of Invitee has been added for Invitees who are required to view the document without signing. This feature is available for We Sign, Notary RON Sessions, Video Signing and Form Filler templates.

Enhancement: 5

  1. [Read Only Form Fields] – Read only fields will no longer have a border and will be skipped when pressing Next.
  2. [JobAdder– New setting to disable saving signed documents back to JobAdder. 
  3. [Signature Template PreviewApplying a Signature Template will move the user to a preview and editing before being sent out to Invitee. 
  4. [Mobile Signing ImprovementsUpdated the mobile experience for users who want to sign using their mobile phones. 
  5. [Document Templates Sort] Templates are now sorted alphabetically by default. Additionally, changes to the sort order for Inbox, Template, In-Progress and Signed view will now persist between logins. 

New Features 

  1. Needs to View  

Key Features 

Needs to View is a new Invitee type that allows you to send a document to invitees who are required to view the document without needing to sign. Needs to View is available for WeSign, Notary RON sessions, Form Filler Templates and Video Signing. 

Security – Senders can assign Needs to View invitees with our existing authentication methods for document access. (I.e., Passcode, KBA, IDV, SMS) 

Flexibility – A mix of both Signer invitees and Needs to View invitees can be invited to a single or package document. In a package, an invitee can be a signer for one document and a Needs to view for another document (but cannot have both roles signer and viewer in the same document).  

How you can use it 

Needs to View is on by default – you can access the setting at My Account -> My Settings 

For Enterprise users, the setting is located Accounts -> My Account Settings 

For more information about Needs to View, please read our updated User Guide here:


  1. Read Only Form Fields 

Read only form fields will no longer have a border and will be skipped when pressing the Next button 

How you can use it 

You can select Read Only by selecting the form field in Document Editor and checking the check box 

In Document Editor 

In Signing Process 

  1. JobAdder – New Setting 

JobAdder users can configure to not save signed document back to their JobAdder.  

The new setting can filter what type of document is not saved – either for all documents, JobAdder File Type, Document Template or FormDirect form 

How you can use it 

You can find this setting at Settings -> More Settings 

  1. Signature Template Preview 

When applying a Signature Template to a document, you will now be able to preview and edit the document before sending it to the Invitees 

How you can use it 

In the document editor, the signature template button is located on the top right 

You can apply a signature template to a document directly from the Inbox. 

Page Break 

  1. Mobile Signing Improvement 

Key Features 

We have improved the capabilities of viewing and signing your document on the mobile phone for both iOS and Android. The following aspects have been improved: 

Smoother Navigation and Zoom capabilities 

  • We have made scrolling and zoom capabilities more responsive. Scrolling through the document will be easier including when you press the Next button to move from one form filled to the next.  

Field Box Visibility 

  • Field Boxes will now be highlighted when selected to increase visibility when filling out 

It is recommended to open your document with Chrome on your mobile to see the full effect of the improvements.  

  1. Document Templates sort 

Key Features 

Form Filler Document Templates are now sorted in alphabetical order by default. 

Changing the sort order will now be saved and be the default view when viewing documents in Inbox, In-Progress, Signed and Templates tab 

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Secured Signing 10.1.2  

Aug 9, 2022 

New Features: None  

Enhancement: 1 

  1. [Smart Tag] New Witness Tag format – New witness tags that allow you to set the auth of a witness, assign multiple witnesses to one person, nominate the witness as a sender and other quality-of-life additions to simplify adding a witness to a smart tag document. 

Bug Fixes: 6  

  1. [Smart Tag] Fixed an issue with previous smart tag format, witness tag not showing signature field when the document is sent via API 
  2. [Smart Tag] Fixed an issue with previous smart tag format witness tag not sending an e-mail to the witness when the document is sent via API 
  3. [Video Signing] Fixed an issue in video signing where a nominated witness cannot sign if they are also the host 
  4. [Video Signing] Fixed an issue in video signing where a nominated witness cannot sign if they are also the host Fixed the issue with effective date stamper not getting the e-mail if they are also the host of the video signing session.  
  5. [Smart Tag] Added a warning if an additional recipient is added to a smart tag but it is turned OFF in settings 
  6. [WeSign] Witness – Fixed an issue that would occur when nominating witness by invitee, the same witness for two different invitees 

Further Notes


1. New format for Smart Tag for witness 

Key Features 

To provide context, the signatory is identified as 1A 

  • Authentication types set by account setting 





  • Multiple witnesses for the same invitee 



  • Witness nominated by sender 


  • Using the same witness for multiple invitees 



How you can use it 

For more information about Smart Tags, check our updated guide here.

Secured Signing 10.1.1

July 18, 2022

New Features: None

Enhancements: 2

  1. [Notary] Cost Summary E-mail for multiple meetings for RON session – Summary cost e-mails will now include the number of meetings, the document ID, the attendees for that specific RON session and the total cost garnered for each participant based on features/authentication used.
  2. [Notary] Assign Notary Fee to the document in the Electronic Notary Journal – We have updated the format of Electronic Journal to separate document and invitee to make fee information more accessible

Bug Fixes: 1

  1. [Form Direct] Fixed Form Direct completion recipients not receiving completion e-mail if Signing Completion Certificate is enabled

Further Notes


1. [Notary] Cost Summary E-mail for multiple meetings for RON session

Key Features

E-mail Summary costs now only provide the billing for each RON meeting

E-mail summary cost now include the following information

  • Number of meetings
  • The document(s) being signed including the document ID
  • The participant(s) that joined the video session
  • The costs garnered from each participant based on authentication used (IDV, KBA, SMS)

How you can use it

The new e-mail summary cost changes are automatically applied to all new RON meeting.

Where can I find this setting to enable receiving RON cost summary?

To receive e-mail summary costs for RON sessions, you can enable the settings at My Account -> Notary -> More Settings. (You must have Notary feature enabled)

2. [Notary] Assign Notary Fee to the document in the Electronic Notary Journal

This change is automatically applied to new electronic notary journals made after the release date.

For more information please contact us here.