Secured Signing’s latest features: Whiteboarding and Edit Page Mode. 

Secured Signing, a renowned leader in the digital signature and document management industry, is excited to announce the launch of two game-changing features that promise to provide a more personalized and user-centric experience for its customers – whiteboarding in video signing session and edit page mode. These enhancements reflect Secured Signing’s dedication to meeting the diverse needs of its users while raising the bar for document signing and management processes.

Introducing Whiteboarding in Video Signing Session & Remote Online Notarization (RON)

Secured Signing’s latest offering, Whiteboarding in Video Signing & Remote Online Notarization (RON), is a revolutionary feature designed to empower users to seamlessly incorporate shapes, text, and more into their documents. This addition enhances communication during signing sessions and transforms the overall user experience. 

Here’s a closer look at the key highlights of Whiteboarding: 

Real-time Customization: Users now can draw, add circles, squares, arrows, and text to their documents in real-time, fostering better communication during signing sessions. 

Interactive Collaboration: Any drawings made before signing will not be saved onto the document, enabling real-time brainstorming and collaboration with invitees. 

Post-Signing Creativity: Even after the signing is complete, users can create a new whiteboard with a blank document or integrate their own document for further editing. 

Participant Engagement: Hosts and notaries can actively draw on the Whiteboard, while invitees can observe everything in real-time, encouraging greater interaction during signing sessions. 

Page Edit Mode: A New Level of Flexibility

Secured Signing recognizes the importance of flexibility when managing documents. The newly introduced Page Edit Mode offers users the ability to: 

Add Pages: Effortlessly include more pages in their documents to accommodate additional content. 

Remove Pages: Streamline documents by removing unnecessary pages, making document management more efficient. 

Reorder Pages: Pages can be rearranged easily within the We Sign, Form Filler, and Notary designers to better meet specific needs. 

“We believe these enhancements will empower our users to tailor their documents according to their specific requirements, resulting in smoother and more efficient workflows,” stated Mike Eyal, CTO Director at Secured Signing. “We are committed to continuously improving our platform to meet the evolving needs of our customers.” 

With these remarkable features, Secured Signing further solidifies its position as a pioneer in the field of digital signatures and document management, catering to the ever-changing demands of its users. 

In conclusion, Secured Signing’s latest features, whiteboarding in video signing session and edit page mode, promise to transform the way users approach document management. With Whiteboarding in Video Signing & Remote Online Notarization and the Page Edit Mode, you have the tools to customize your documents, collaborate effectively, and streamline your document management processes. It’s a step towards greater efficiency and a more user-centric experience in the world of e-signatures and document management.