What you get and what makes us different to our competitors
Core & advanced features which ensure you get the most out of our signing software.
Our platform seamlessly integrates with most industry specific providers.
We have a flexible pricing model to suit anyone’s specific needs.
What you get and what makes us different to our competitors.
Frequently asked questions and solutions that might be relevant to you.
Plans for Small, Medium & Enterprise level businesses.
No setup fees & pay as you need notary features & add-ons.
Digital signing which integrates with most Recruitment ATS & CRM’s
Improve staff & client experience with digital signatures & notary.
Increasing compliance across life science & device businesses.
Solutions for state, federal, local, county & regional government.
Founded in 2010 to be a simple, smart, and secure signing platform.
ISO 27001 certified software which is backed by PKI Technology.
Technology which ensures non-forgeability & non-repudiation.
The latest Secured Signing company news and awards.
New & updated features and how to use them.
Updates about software we integrate with.
Blog articles, helpful tips and guides on digital signing & notary.
We have a flexible pricing model to suit anyone's specific needs.
Secured Signing continues partnership to integrate digital signatures within Bullhorn.
5 reasons government agencies and councils are adopting digital signatures.
New feature: Signing completion certificate.
When you need a document notarized in Texas, Remote Online Notarization (RON) offers distinct advantages over traditional walk-in or mobile notary services. The exciting news? Yes, online notarization is fully legal in Texas! You can find more information about the legalities for a Notary in Texas by clicking here.
Though in-person notarization with a walk-in or mobile notary has always been an option, RON is quickly becoming the preferred choice from individuals to enterprise-level organizations with in-house notaries. Its growing popularity is driven by the many benefits it offers, which are becoming more apparent as more states enact permanent RON laws.
Texas notaries are increasingly turning to Secured Signing’s Remote Online Notary software to provide secure, efficient, and paperless notarization services.
The true beauty of this technology lies in its simplicity. The notarization process is smooth, efficient, and, most importantly, secure. As a notary, you can remotely guide signers through the entire process while ensuring full compliance with all legal requirements.
This comprehensive approach not only guarantees compliance but also provides flexibility to accommodate various needs. Witnesses can easily join the RON session, and the entire process can be documented as evidence if required. Throughout, Secured Signing’s platform adheres to the highest standards, in line with MISMO and ISO 27001 certifications.
As Texas leads the charge in embracing remote online notary services, it sets the stage for a more secure and convenient future for notarization. This technology marks just the beginning of an evolving landscape that is poised to redefine how we handle notarization in the digital age.
Click here to download more info on How to become a Notary in your state to do Remote Online Notarization.
Questions please contact Support@IdenTrust.com or call: 1. 888.339.8904
Once you have the above, CLICK HERE to register at the Texas Secretary of State’s website
Contact the TX Secretary of State’s office at 512-463-5705 if you don’t receive a Response within 3 business days.
Register for Training at: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/rt/1797125798053898327