Secured Signing announces Remote Online Notarization (RON) platform is Compliant for New York Businesses

Secured Signing recognized as one of the first Compliant Platforms with New York RON Statue 19 NYCRR, Chapter V, Subchapter E, Part 182

Mountain View, CA – Secured Signing, a premier provider of electronic signature and remote online notarization (RON) solutions, is proud to announce its recognition as one of the first compliant platforms with the New York Remote Online Notarization (RON) statute, 19 NYCRR, Chapter V, Subchapter E, Part 182, which went into effect on January 25, 2023.

The new requirements for Remote Online Notarization present challenges for both independent and in-house enterprise New York notaries. Secured Signing’s platform addresses these challenges by offering:


      • 1. Accurate Geolocation: Secured Signing’s system reviews the user’s browser to determine geolocation, rather than the VPN. A critical addition is the presentation of a popup avocation than must be elected by the notary, prior to beginning the RON session. Entered into the audit log this avocation affirmed by the notary declaring their located to be within the state of New York during the RON session. Providing both evidence and intent to comply, ensuring that the notary, enterprise, and New York licensing bureau are confident in the security, compliance, and integrity of the transaction.


        • 2. Compliance with NIST Standard SP 800-63-3: Secured Signing’s platform complies with the NIST Standard SP 800-63-3 (updated on 3.02.2020) for remote identity verification level IAL2, utilizing a unique combination of identity valuations.


          • 3. Exemplar Certificate Issuance: Secured Signing’s New York Exemplar certification document allows notaries to complete the required form for submission and issuance of their electronic notary commission, in compliance with the new regulations.

        “We are thrilled to be one of the first platforms recognized for compliance with the New York RON statute,” said Bill Gimbel, VP of Business Development, at Secured Signing. “Our innovative solution ensures that notaries and enterprises level clients can continue to provide secure and efficient remote online notarization services in New York.”

        For more information on Secured Signing’s compliance with the New York RON statute or to enlist as a compliant New York electronic notary, please contact the company at

        About Secured Signing

        Secured Signing is a leading provider of electronic signature and digital solutions, helping businesses and organizations streamline their document signing processes. With its easy-to-use platform, customers can quickly and easily get their agreements signed and returned, saving time, and increasing efficiency. Secured Signing provides a trusted, tamper-proof Digital Signatures platform to the eSignature market with their legally binding document management solution that enables simple and secure eSigning, streamlined document workflows, and remote online notarization (RON) in a single cloud-based platform. The company’s Digital Signature, Video Signing, and RON platform enables its users to use any device to capture their graphical signature, fill-in, sign, seal and verify documents anywhere, anytime.

        To learn more about Secured Signing visit,