Secured Signing welcomes Bill Gimbel as Vice President Business Development in the US

Secured Signing continues to grow its presence in the US with Bill Gimbel joining the US team. Bill Gimbel is the new Vice President of Business Development with a focus on growing remote online notarization and digital signature market share within the US.

“Bill brings a wealth of industry experience to the team with a proven track record of managing internal and external projects,” says Mike Eyal, Founder and CTO at Secured Signing. “He has developed notarization software and understands the rules and regulations around deploying a nationwide solution.”

“Bill brings a deeper understanding of what it means to provide a software solution to notaries, and we expect his input will drive our success in this area. Remote online notarization is a key product for us (Secured Signing) and with Bill we expect to be a market leader in this space.”

Bill is active in many of the industry-leading organizations such as MISMO, PRIA, ESRA, UCL, NASS, NNA.

Secured Signing is approved as a remote online notarization technology provider in more than 21 states and Bill is now a part of the team, we expect to see the number of states rise and momentum continue.

We are very pleased to have Bill on the team and look forward to the contributions he will make both within our team and with customers.

About Secured Signing

Secured Signing provides a one-stop digital signature service that delivers a full range of form completion, eSigning, and Remote Online Notarization capabilities. Using advanced personalized X509 PKI Digital Signature technology, it is more secure than a plain electronic signature.

Secured Signing enables its users to use any device to capture their graphical signature, fill-in, sign, seal and verify documents anywhere, anytime. The solution streamlines business processes, cuts back on expenses, expedites delivery cycles, improves staff efficiency, and enhances customer service in a green environment.

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