Remain Relevant, Move to Digital with Secured Signing

With the move to the digital age picking up speed, many common and traditional concepts are being flipped on their heads. People and companies are breaking all traditional norms to deliver us new and innovative ways to meet our needs and wants.

We believe that this trend will continue to change our lives, for example many businesses are ditching the ‘desk phone’ and moving into a ‘digital phone’.

Do you think a similar fate is destined for the common signature, we do. As consumers demand for fast, efficient and sustainable solutions, the prerequisite for paper and pen is vanishing. With solutions like Secured Signing, many of our customers have gone paperless and transformed their business practices into digital. This means you can interact with businesses on the go, when it suits you and quickly.

Those businesses that are not considering a change into a digital platform and a digital customer experience are risking being left behind.

At Secured Signing, we don’t only help our customers to remain relevant, but we do the same ourselves, constantly thinking into the future and developing new features. This is how our newest feature Video Confirmation was created. Can you imagine a world where instead of signing your name to authenticate a transaction you will record a video of yourself. With the access to mobile devices and apps like Instagram and snapchat, we are regularly using the camera device to interact with others. We believe, this device can be used to confirm purchases, agreements and proof of identity.

Benefit of Secured Signing’s video verification is the unquestionable authenticity of who is signing or approving a transaction. With our technology, the video forms part of the legal transactions and cannot be changed without invalidating the agreement. This is the most secure method to confirm the identity of the signer.

Check out this quick video showing how video technology is already supporting the signing process

If you want to stay ahead of your competitors, be sure to
contact Secured Signing today to discuss how we can work together to transform your business into digital – its smart.