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Core & advanced features which ensure you get the most out of our signing software.
Our platform seamlessly integrates with most industry specific providers.
We have a flexible pricing model to suit anyone’s specific needs.
What you get and what makes us different to our competitors.
Frequently asked questions and solutions that might be relevant to you.
Plans for Small, Medium & Enterprise level businesses.
No setup fees & pay as you need notary features & add-ons.
Digital signing which integrates with most Recruitment ATS & CRM’s
Improve staff & client experience with digital signatures & notary.
Increasing compliance across life science & device businesses.
Solutions for state, federal, local, county & regional government.
Founded in 2010 to be a simple, smart, and secure signing platform.
ISO 27001 certified software which is backed by PKI Technology.
Technology which ensures non-forgeability & non-repudiation.
The latest Secured Signing company news and awards.
New & updated features and how to use them.
Updates about software we integrate with.
Blog articles, helpful tips and guides on digital signing & notary.
We have a flexible pricing model to suit anyone's specific needs.
Secured Signing continues partnership to integrate digital signatures within Bullhorn.
5 reasons government agencies and councils are adopting digital signatures.
New feature: Signing completion certificate.
Home // Posts // FastTrack360 Onboards Secured Signing into its Marketplace
Sydney, Australia – Secured Signing is now available in the FastTrack360 Marketplace enabling secure, online signing within the document generation process.
Adding Secured Signing capabilities to the FastTrack360 Marketplace equips recruiters to generate and post documents to candidates with a single click, providing an exceptional, convenient and quick customer experience. The integrated process ensures signed documents are saved to FastTrack360 with zero administrative effort.
“The FastTrack360 Marketplace enables our customers to turn on additional functionality they want, to make the way they Recruit, Time, Pay and Bill smarter, easier and more efficient than ever before.” says David Page, CEO of FastTrack.
“Secured Signing delivers an absolutely vital piece of additional functionality in providing a convenient and simple, yet highly secure platform for online signing of contract documents. We are very excited to offer this additional value to FastTrack customers via the FastTrack360 Marketplace.”
– David Page, CEO of FastTrack
The addition of Secured Signing to the FastTrack360 Marketplace gives recruitment consultants single click access to the convenience and security of online signing, directly within the document generation process. Secured Signing provides a great experience for candidates with the convenience of a simple click to sign, no usernames or passwords, and saves them the hassle of printing, signing and scanning documents sent to them by email. There are no apps or plugs-in to download, so the candidate can sign on any device, anywhere and at any time.
Secured Signing customers have advised that they can save as much as a day a week on document approval. This means that for recruitment consultants, they can on-board candidates and have them working faster than their competitors. Consultants simply generate and post the documents for signing from the FastTrack360 platform, with the document automatically saved in the document management area of the candidate record. Secured Signing manages the entire signing process with a completely configurable schedule of automated reminders to ensure candidates remember to sign, no signatures are missed, so you get the documents you need faster.
“We have always been warmly embraced by the recruitment industry” notes Mike Eyal, Founder and Managing Director of Secured Signing. “Recruiters were amongst the first to identify the value of online signing and we have had the pleasure of working across the board with specialist providers right through to the largest recruitment companies in Australia and New Zealand. The opportunity to provide FastTrack customers with the process improvements so many of their peers rely on every day is something we are eagerly looking forward to.”
About FastTrack
FastTrack provides the business platform of choice for leading staffing organizations globally. Core to this is the innovative FastTrack360 end-to-end Recruit-Time-Pay-Bill cloud-hosted software solution.
FastTrack360 provides an intelligent system you can access anywhere, anytime that simplifies recruitment operations, leverages smart compliance checks, reduces human touch points, makes processes quicker and more accurate – allowing leading staffing organizations to focus on value-adding activities with clients and candidates. With its open Application Program Framework (API) through the FastTrack360 Marketplace and API Developer portal, means you can also connect with the marketing leading apps to further increase your competitive advantage.
To find out how FastTrack360 can help you and your business www.fasttrack.com.au
About Secured Signing
Secured Signing provides a comprehensive and secure SaaS digital signature service that delivers a full range of form completion and eSigning capabilities combining advanced personalized X509 PKI Digital Signature technology with easy-to-use, simple-to-deploy, compliant solutions. Secured Signing enables its users to utilize smartphones, PCs, any tablet device and any browser, to capture their graphical signature, fill-in, sign, seal and verify documents anywhere, anytime. The solution streamlines business processes, cuts back on expenses, expedites delivery cycles, improves staff efficiency and enhances customer service in a green environment.
To learn more about Secured Signing, visit www.securedsigning.com
Press ContactDavid SchulzSecured SigningE-mail: david@securedsigning.com