Enhanced Compliance and Client Satisfaction through RatesCalc and Secured Signing Integration

By joining forces, Secured Signing and RatesCalc bring forth a robust solution ensuring both compliance and client satisfaction. RatesCalc specializes in managing intricate employee costs, encompassing wages, benefits, and overhead expenses.

On the other hand, Secured Signing offers legally binding electronic signatures that adhere to global industry standards and regulations, including the stringent eIDAS regulation in the European Union and the ESIGN Act in the United States

Simple, Smart and Secured integration for RatesCalc

About Secured Signing

Secured Signing provides a digital signature solution. Founded in 2010, it is recognized globally for its cloud-based platform, offering a secure environment for both businesses and individuals to digitally sign and finalize documents. Secured Signing utilizes advanced signing technology, specifically incorporating Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Digital Signatures. The company’s services extend to customers in various regions, including the United States, United Kingdom, New Zealand, and Australia. Their platform aims to offer secure, efficient, and legally binding solutions for document management needs.

Unique Signing Technology

Digital signatures are often considered more secure and reliable than electronic signatures due to the underlying technology and the level of authentication they provide. Digital Signatures adheres to stringent security standards and cryptographic protocols, making it a preferred choice for secure and legally binding transactions.

Secured Signing enhances digital signing by using Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) technology, employing a pair of cryptographic keys for secure communication and authentication. Any tampering with the document after the signature is applied can be easily detected.

RatesCalc and Secured Signing

RatesCalc aids organizations in calculating and managing employee costs, encompassing wages, benefits, and overhead expenses. The platform streamlines the creation of precise cost estimates for employees and projects, making it particularly popular in consulting, professional services, construction, and project management industries.

Secured Signing seamlessly integrates with RatesCalc, providing a secure and efficient solution for digital signatures within the RatesCalc platform. This integration enhances the document signing process, ensuring the security and legality of agreements related to employee costs, wages, benefits, and project estimates.

What Secured Signing can do for you:

  • Easily send documents to clients and candidates directly from Ratescalc with just a few clicks, eliminating the need for emailing, printing, signing, and scanning documents.
  • Automate the process of sending reminder emails to clients until they complete the signing procedure.
  • Efficiently monitor and track the signing process directly within RatesCalc. This functionality provides users with real-time visibility into the status of document signatures, facilitating improved management, tracking, and control over the signing workflow.
  • The signed document is automatically saved and stored within the CRM platform, such as JobAdder, Bullhorn or WorkForce1. The RatesCalc integration streamlines the document management process by ensuring that signed documents are seamlessly stored and organized directly within the CRM system. The signed documents become part of the CRM records, allowing for easy retrieval, reference, and tracking of agreements associated with clients, candidates, or any other relevant entities.

Get in touch with Secured Signing

If you would like to learn more about us or how Secured Signing could help your business, contact us today.