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Increasing compliance across life science & device businesses.
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Founded in 2010 to be a simple, smart, and secure signing platform.
ISO 27001 certified software which is backed by PKI Technology.
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Secured Signing continues partnership to integrate digital signatures within Bullhorn.
5 reasons government agencies and councils are adopting digital signatures.
New feature: Signing completion certificate.
Home // Support // Notary: Spanish Translation For Signers In WeSign and RON
With the Spanish Translation For Signers In WeSign and RON, you can translate the entire We Sign or RON signing processes to Spanish for signers, including the Notaries and Signing Hosts for a RON transaction.
You can enable this with the Default Language setting at My Account > My Settings in your Secured Signing account, or Settings > My Account Settings in the Enterprise Portal.
There you will find a dropdown with 3 options; English, Español and Invitee Choose which allows you to make the choice on the fly. As such you may select Spanish for one signer and English for another.
The ‘English’ setting keeps the signing process exactly as it was before, completely in English. Choosing ‘Español’ however, will translate the entire signing process instructions to Spanish in We Sign and RON, as shown with the indicators in the Invitation Workflow below.
If you selected Invitee Choose as your default, you may select English or Spanish for individual signers in the Invitation Workflow. Or allow signers to change the language themselves in the ‘Secure Document Access’ page or the signing page. Document Access: Invitees can select their language on the top-right. Signing Page: Invitees can select their language on the top-right.
NOTE: You may want to translate your email invitation script to Spanish and label Spanish Language Invite. Selecting that at the last step prior to sending the emails out buy clicking on Edit Email Invitation within the Green Stripe show above. From the below popup select Email Template > Select Dropdown icon > Choose Spanish Language Invite > Update > Send. This will change the outboud email to this individual signer only, for other signers repeat the process. Once sent your default choice of email invites will reinstate.