Notary: Template Creation for RON

This article covers the process to tag and save a document as a template with Secured Signing.

It is sometimes necessary to revert to a saved document when a previous tagged document has become corrupt before or during a signing session. To save time we suggest that on large documents you create that document as a template > Login then select the TEMPLATES tab.

save a document as a template - template creation for ron


creating a new template - template creation for ron

Select Upload, access the document and when populated below the gray rectangle click  Create Template.

Template Creation Process

Then prepare the document as per usual. Notice in the below document the signers are not yet identified, labeled only signer 1 and Signer 2 etc. You can also place text box’s, dates etc. This naming convention will continue throughout the template’s creation. Make notes as to who signer 1 will be, signer 2 etc.

mark up the document - template creator for ron

The same naming procedure will apply to the notaries cells as well. When complete select Save as Template. And click SAVE in next screen as well.

save as a template - template creation

When ready to assign signer & notary at Step 2 select from Template dropdown that file “SS Loan Mod Nate…” then Next

using the template - template creation for ron

When you get to the screen that requires entry of the signers/notary, enter/select the respective names then Next.

add details - template creation for ron

The next step “Tagging” will be completed automatically based on the template’s fields. As seen below the name of the signers now appear in the signature boxes, the same will apply to the notaries name on the page required to sign/stamp.

Tag Document

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