Notary: Setting up your Digital Certificate

If your state requires to use a Digital Certificate from an approved provider, you can purchase one from IdenTrust here.

Click Set up Certificate to start the process.


1. Select the Certificate provider and the way you want to use your certificate. You can upload it to Secured Signing or install the app in your Windows workstation to use the certificate on-premises. 


2. Upload Certificate Process – The backup file you created while installing the certificate in your desktop browser. You need to use your password in order to access the file and then press verify.

Note: Please ensure you’re uploading the certificate for signing not for encryption.

Once verified press save and you’re ready to use it in the signing process. Every time a Notary will notarize or sign a document we will use this certificate to create an X509 Digital Signature.


3. Upload Certificate Process – In case you have a USB token/hardware to store your certificate or you want to keep the certificate on your premises/Desktop Windows OS only, select Remote Certificate Sign and click Next.  


4. Click verify to select the right certificate in your PC , and enter the certificate password.


5. Then you will get this screen. Once saved you will need to download and install the Secured Signing Remote Certificate Sign App in your PC, click download to do it now. You can also do this later, or the first time you need to sign.


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