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Plans for Small, Medium & Enterprise level businesses.
No setup fees & pay as you need notary features & add-ons.
Digital signing which integrates with most Recruitment ATS & CRM’s
Improve staff & client experience with digital signatures & notary.
Increasing compliance across life science & device businesses.
Solutions for state, federal, local, county & regional government.
Founded in 2010 to be a simple, smart, and secure signing platform.
ISO 27001 certified software which is backed by PKI Technology.
Technology which ensures non-forgeability & non-repudiation.
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Blog articles, helpful tips and guides on digital signing & notary.
We have a flexible pricing model to suit anyone's specific needs.
Secured Signing continues partnership to integrate digital signatures within Bullhorn.
5 reasons government agencies and councils are adopting digital signatures.
New feature: Signing completion certificate.
Home // Support // Notary: Identity Proofing and Credential Analysis
Identity Proofing and Credential Analysis involves 2 steps which we will need you to do before joining the Remote Online Notarization meeting to get your documents notarized.
The first step in this process is Knowledge Based Authentication, or KBA.
KBA utilizes information about you and generates a series of questions for you to answer. If you pass the Knowledge Based Authentication you can proceed to the next step – ID Verification.
Let’s begin.
Step 1: Knowledge Based Authentication
First open the e-mail that was sent to you from your Notary Public.
Click the blue button Click to Join
This will redirect you to the Identity Proofing – Dynamic Knowledge Based Authentication screen.
Insert your details here.
Once you have filled out the correct information, click Submit.
Your questionnaire begins now. You have 2 minutes to answers and complete 5 questionnaire questions.
Answer 4 out of 5 questions to PASS and successfully complete the Knowledge Based Authentication
Answer at least 3 of the 5 questions correctly to proceed to the next set of questions.
In the second set of questions, you must get 1 of these 2 correct to Pass.
Anything less than 4 is a Fail
Once you Passed the KBA, click Next to complete the Credential Analysis – Government Issued ID Verification
Step 2: ID Verification
ID verification processes your Government Issued ID to verify that you are who you say you are.
If you are starting from a desktop you will need to send an SMS text message to your cell phone and follow the instructions. by clicking on the invitation link from your mobile you can continue to use your phone for ID verification. :
Enter your cellphone number in the box provided and hit send.
An SMS text will now be sent to your phone. Click the link within the SMS text.
On your desktop you will be receive a 4-DIGIT passcode.
Enter the 4-DIGIT passcode into your mobile device and click Continue
Click Capture FRONT / BACK ID Card.
Line your camera up and make sure the red corners line up with your ID card. If you are too far away you will be prompted to move closer.
When you have successfully lined up the camera to scan the ID, a yellow rectangle will encompass your ID and a countdown will appear.
Our system will begin to analyze the data to verify that the ID provided is a real ID and that it belongs to you.
If successful you will move on to the next step: Selfie Matching.
Take a Selfie with the front camera on your mobile device, then our system will compare the selfie with the image on the front side of your ID to prove if it is a match.
You will be notified if you Pass.
Congratulations! You have successfully passed the Identity Proofing stage of the Notary Signing process by completing the Knowledge Based Authentication and ID Verification.
Your desktop will now display a PASS message and you can now continue to your RON Meeting.