Microsoft Word: How to use Secured Signing Word Plugin

 This guide bases on Word Online version, there is only subtle difference between Word Online and Word Desktop.


Watch this video to see a demonstration below.

Step 1: Go to Word Online

Open word online in web browser (you must already login in Office365 account)

Assume you already installed Word Plugin on the environment, if not, please check this tutorial first.

Step 2: Open a new word document or existing word document.

After open a word document, you can click Secured Signing Word Plugin icon to launch the plugin.

Step 3: Load Secured Signing Plugin & Give permission for Secured Signing App to access your info

Secured Signing Plugin will be load on right sidebar with only one button:
Login Secured Signing, now click that button.

After click the button, we will try to open a new authentication window. (for security reason, Word Online version will popup a small dialog beforehand – Secured Signing wants to display a new window,click Allow button to continue, please note there is no such step in Word Desktop version).

Please note: Some IE11/Edge browser may show below image when you try to click Login button.

In such case, please add following URLs to your trusted sites list in Internet Options. As below:


 If still no luck, please try to change to another modern web browser, eg. Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera.


If you haven’t given any permission before for Secured Signing App to access your info, then it will show you a consent form, click Accept button to accept/continue. After that, this new window close by itself. Then it will continue login process on Step4.

If you already given the permission for Secured Signing App before, then the new window will show/close automatically (you don’t need to interactive with this form), and it will continue login process on Step4.

Step 4: Continue Login Secured Signing Word Plugin

Continue login process after Step3 (after given Secured Signing App permission)

  • If current Office365 login user already binds to Secured Signing user (you are not first time use this plugin and you did setup before), it will sign you in directly.

If current Office365 login user can’t be find any bindings in Secured Signing Database (normally first time you use this plugin), then:
    • If you already have Secured Signing account, you just need to login with that account, we will bind current Office365 login user to that Secured Signing account automatically.
    • Or, you need to register a new Secured Signing account (email activation is required) by click the Register link in the plugin, after activate your account, we bind current Office365 login user to that new Secured Signing account.

Step 5: Choose either I-Sign or We-Sign

After login, you can see 2 buttons, I-Sign and We-Sign

I-Sign – will send your document to Secured Signing to add your signature.

We-Sign – will send your document to Secured Signing, then you can invitee others to sign.

For Word Online version, either I-Sign or We-Sign, when you click, it will show confirm dialog – Secured Signing wants to display a new window, click Allow button to let word plugin to open Secured Signing I-Sign or We-Sign page in a new dialog window.

For Word Desktop version, either I-Sign or We-Sign will open Secured Signing I-Sign or We-Sign page in a new dialog window immediately.

After you did the action in I-Sign or We-Sign dialog, just simply close the dialog.


Step 6: Logout Secured Signing Word plugin

Click Logout button to log user out.

for Word Online version, it will show confirm dialog –Secured Signing wants to display a new window, please click Allow button to let word plugin to continue signout process. (for Word Desktop version, it will do signout process directly without such step)

Please be patient until it successfully log you out, it will shows Hang on a moment while we sign you out in the sign-out popup.

Watch this video to see a demonstration of how to send a document for signing from Microsoft Word with the Secured Signing Add-In. 

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