Secured Signing – Giving your data entry team a second career

You may have seen the news item recently that nearly half of our current jobs will be replaced by technology.


It’s been a recurring lament since the first laborer was replaced by a steam engine.  At a personal level, the rapid transformation of the economy and work is certainly challenging but, from enough distance, there are jobs that no one misses. I doubt anyone who used to collect night soil buckets regrets sewerage systems replacing outside toilets.


The word ‘computer’ used to be a job title, not a name for a device. Before electronic computers, there were people whose whole career was manually calculating tables that were used by other trades and professions. Ships were literally lost due to errors in the manually created log tables used by their navigators.


Considering this broader sweep of history, I don’t feel bad about my personal campaign to make data entry jobs redundant. When our only option was paper forms, someone manually entering data from those forms into software systems was a necessary evil. There are now better options.


Many organizations have made a sort of dead end progress with electronic forms that can be completed on screen but then have to be printed to be signed and sent back. Considering someone still needs to manually re-key what has already been typed into the electronic form, it’s not really much progress. What is needed is proper online forms, integrated to our software systems.


Form Direct solutions from Secured Signing can be filled in and signed on any device using a plain web browser. Mandatory fields are enforced and data is validated as it is entered, ensuring forms are complete and correct the first time. The completed and digitally signed PDF of the form sorts out your compliance and record keeping obligations. But the game changer is you also get the data that was entered into the form. This can be supplied as a file that is uploaded to your system or, better yet, we can call your software in real time and load the data directly.


Posting the data entered into your online forms directly into your core business systems not only saves duplication of effort, it improves the quality of your data.


Do your bit to get a data entry person a better job! Get rid of your paper forms and fillable PDFs.  Get some proper online forms that give you a digitally signed record and post data directly into your core business system.