Webinar: Digital Signing For The Legal Industry

Empower Your Legal Practice: Secure Digital Signatures with Secured Signing.

Step into the future of legal documentation with our exclusive webinar discussing Digital Signing for the Legal Industry by Secured Signing.

Experience the power of secure, PKI-based digital signatures tailored for legal firms. Say goodbye to chasing clients for signatures!

Join us to discover how our digital signature software ensures compliance, security, and efficiency in your legal document processes. Don’t miss out on revolutionizing your firm’s signature workflows!

Secured Signing - A Serious Signing platform with some serious features!

About Secured Signing

A globally recognized cloud-based digital signature solution, Secured Signing offers a secure platform for both businesses and individuals to digitally sign and complete documents. Employing distinctive signing technology, Secured Signing utilizes Public Key Infrastructure Digital Signatures, catering to customers across over 30 countries and diverse industries.

Is Digital Signature secured?

In contrast to electronic signatures, a digital signature employs a cryptographic technique that serves to verify the authenticity and integrity of the document. The process involves sealing the document with an initial signature, providing a robust mechanism for validating any subsequent changes made to the document. One notable advantage is its compatibility with various PDF readers, enabling users to verify document alterations seamlessly.

Unique Signing features for Lawyers 

Complex Signing Workflow

Lawyers often involve multiple parties, intricate legal documents, and adherence to strict compliance standards. Secured Signing can implement a multi-tiered approval process, especially for documents that require input and approval from multiple lawyers, clients, or stakeholders.

Witness Function

A crucial feature for legal documents and transactions that required additional verification. Secured Signing ensure that both the signer and the witness go through a robust authentication process. This may include multi-factor authentication, biometric verification, or other secure methods.

Document Negotiation

Negotiating legal documents is a critical aspect of legal practice, that’s why Secured Signing guarantee a secure and efficient document negotiation process – enabling users to add comments, annotations, and suggestions within the document and use encrypted communication channels for all interactions related to document negotiation.

Get in touch with Secured Signing

If you would like to learn more about us or how Secured Signing could help your business, contact us today.