E-Signature Q&A – How will Digital Signatures Help me Grow my Business?

E-Signature Series

Question: I want to grow my business, how will digital signature help me achieve business growth?

Answer:  If achieving business growth in 2018 is a key priority for your business than you have come to the right place. Converting to digital signatures has helped many of our customers to experience significant business growth for several reasons. These are:


1.         Easier and faster customer experience will cause in your acquisition rates to increase. Today’s digital consumers expectations have changed.  Nowadays a customer expects the sign-up process for any company to be easy and fast. We know that if the digital chain is broken at any point, potential customers are likely to abandon their sign up. Another common mistake we see is companies automating the sign up process BUT leave out the final step.  They still ask their customer to print out the form to capture their signature to complete the registration. This is frustrating for your customers and a waste for you as you’ve spent time automating the rest of the process without seeing the real benefit. Include digital signatures and you will see your sign-up rates go up!

2.         Digital signing and workflow automation will mean you can grow your business using your current staffing levels. You can scale your business without needing to hire new people to complete manual processes. This will free up your team to focus their time on value adding activities rather than administrative tasks, which will in turn result in happier and loyal customers.  Let Secured Signing take care of administrative work, such as sending automated reminders and data flow using our API.

3.         Finally grow your business with access to new markets thanks to a complete digital sign up process. No longer will you need to meet with your customer to onboard them, this means you can increase your customer base in new markets with little investments. Imagine the possibilities!

Contact us to arrange a demo of Secured Signing to achieve your business growth targets.