Secured Signing for Bullhorn, Features and Enhancements – July 2022


Company Record File Type 

Bullhorn users have been asking us to support Company Record File Type when sending documents out for signing. Secured Signing now supports this function out-of-the-box. At the contact level, you can use file types such as resume, client resume, cover letter, etc. 


Rate Card  

For placements, we are now supporting rates allowing you to field map to the Rate Card Field within Bullhorn.  


Rate – Multi Rate 

In some cases, placements can have multiple rates with 2-3 pay rates being the most common scenario. Multi-rate placements allow you to define multiple rates for a single placement. Secured Signing now supports this within Bullhorn. 

Post-Signing File Permissions/ Private Visibility 

Once the document has been signed, you can set up who will have access to view the document, based on the user, file-type, and/or department. 

A number of rules can be set up to share documents with users and departments if certain field values match the rule requirements. No more worrying about accidentally showing confidential information.


We are always looking to improve our platform, so if you have any feature requests or product enhancements we’d like to hear from you here